Rich - Contact Bot

This bot will answer all your questions

Type and submit question (see example prompts on the right):

  • How do I reset my Moodle login?
  • how do i access my academic transcript?
  • when does semester 2 start?
  • how do i access my results?
  • how do i reset my moodle password?
  • when is graduation for 2025?
  • how do i signup for IBM?
  • how do I sign up for AWS
  • how are marks calculated?
  • what courses does Richfield offer?
  • what happens if I fail the exam
  • my moodle password is not working
  • what happens if i fail exams?
  • how do i access my academic record?
  • how do i access my academic transcript
  • how do i access my fee statement
  • when are the exams
  • when will results for semester 2 2024 be released

Note: Please contact your specific campus for any missing information or further assistance.

© 2024 Richfield. All rights reserved.

For any question that the bot did not answer, please send it to: